Join the Chemspace & Hitgen Webinar 'Advancing Fully Open Access: OpenDEL as a Self-serve DNA-Encoded Library Kit Benefits Your Drug Discovery Research', which will take place at 4:00 PM (CET) / 7:00 AM (PST) TOMORROW, February 22nd.
The Speaker is Dr. Guansai Liu, Vice President at Hitgen Inc. Hosted by Dr. Olga Tarkhanova.
'Although DNA-encoded libraries (DELs) have increasingly been recognized as a powerful technical tool for hit identifications, few companies and research institutions around the world have built their own DEL platforms in-house for drug discovery research, due to high initial investing expense on library construction and multi-discipline capability building. HitGen’s OpenDEL is a self-serve DEL kit to enable researchers to explore DEL selection campaigns using their own deep insights on biological targets.
Key features of OpenDEL include, but are not limited to:
1. Target-blinded: No need to disclose biological target information.
2. Enabling: selection manual and key materials are provided to enable users to run selection experiments in-house.
3. No cost for licensing: no license fee when compounds are identified.
4. Drug-likeness: no 4-cycle DELs; 90% encoded molecules give MW < 550 Dalton.
5. Diversity: ~20,000 building blocks are used in DELs; novel chemistries are applied.'