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Home SDS/CoA

SDS Search and CoA

We prepare Safety Data Sheet files (SDS) using the data from our suppliers and from our Quality, Standardization and Certification experts. SDS files are available in 6 languages: English, French, Deutsch, Spanish, Italian, and Latvian. The files can be downloaded by specifying a structure identifier (CAS number, CS id, MFCD).

You can also download Certificates of Analysis (CoA) for the compounds you purchased from Chemspace. CoA files are provided solely by the product suppliers. A lot number is required to download CoA. At the moment, COAs are available only in English.

Regulatory information

In case of any further questions regarding product safety, contact our team.


Please note that only SDS will be prepared in , CoA are provided only in English

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a summary document, which provides information on hazards related to a certain product and advice about safety precautions to these hazards. It is manufacturer’s or supplier’s obligation to provide SDSs for each chemical product they produce or supply and to make these documents available for all downstream users online or otherwise. SDSs are important resources for workplaces and workers as they provide more detailed hazard information about chemicals than product labels. This document aims to tell about the product hazards, how to use a certain product safely, what to expect if the recommendations are not followed, how to recognize symptoms of exposure, and what to do in case of emergencies.