Join our webinar ‘Drug Discovery in Readily Available Chemical Space: to Trillions and Beyond’, which will take place at 9 AM (PST) / 6 PM (CET) on June 29th,2023. 

The speaker is Dr. Vsevolod Katritch, Associate Professor at the University of Southern California. Hosted by Dr. Yurii Moroz, Chief Executive Officer, Chemspace.


Register via the link now!


'Giga-scale chemical spaces of REadily AccessibLe (REAL) compounds and new approaches to screening them in silico are becoming crucial components driving modern discovery. In our previous webinar a year ago, we introduced V-SYNTHES as a new iterative approach for fast structure-based virtual ligand screening of billions of Enamine REAL compounds. In this talk, we will follow up on the most recent progress in developing next-generation versions of V-SYNTHES technology, applying it to new targets, and expanding it to the rapidly growing chemical spaces, now in trillions of compounds synthesizable on-demand.'


Chemspace & Dr. Vsevolod Katritch Webinar | Drug Discovery in Readily Available Chemical Space: to Trillions and Beyond, 29/06/2023