Make sure you don’t miss our webinar: ‘Drug Discovery in Readily Available Chemical Space: to Trillions and Beyond’, which will take place TOMORROW, June 29th at 9 AM (PST) / 6 PM (CET)!

Click on the link to register!


The speaker is Dr. Vsevolod Katritch, Associate Professor at the University of Southern California. Hosted by Dr. Yurii Moroz, Chief Executive Officer, Chemspace.


'Giga-scale chemical spaces of REadily AccessibLe (REAL) compounds and new approaches to screening them in silico are becoming crucial components driving modern discovery. In our previous webinar a year ago, we introduced V-SYNTHES as a new iterative approach for fast structure-based virtual ligand screening of billions of Enamine REAL compounds. In this talk, we will follow up on the most recent progress in developing next-generation versions of V-SYNTHES technology, applying it to new targets, and expanding it to the rapidly growing chemical spaces, now in trillions of compounds synthesizable on-demand.'


Chemspace & Dr. Vsevolod Katritch Webinar TOMORROW | Drug Discovery in Readily Available Chemical Space: to Trillions and Beyond, 29/06/2023