We are happy to highlight a new Chemspace-mentioned Cover story 'Hunting for drugs in chemical space' from Chemical & Engineering News by Laura Howes.
Here you can find very interesting and valuable opinions from 'Drug Hunting' leaders regarding cheminformatics tools development (Matthias Rarey, University of Hamburg), virtual libraries design (Wendy Warr, Wendy Warr & Associates), Make-on-Demand compounds (Yurii Moroz, Chemspace), HTS results improvement (Petro Borysko, Enamine), FBDD (Vsevolod Katritch, University of Southern California and Gianni Chessari, Astex Pharmaceuticals), DELs (Ying Zhang, X-Chem), navigating and hit finding in ever-expanding chemical space (Marcus Gastreich, BioSolveIT), AI and ML applications in Drug Discovery (Ashwini Ghogare, MilliporeSigma).