We've made some improvements to the design and layout of chem-space.com. Now all essential elements (as chemical search window, buttons, main tabs) are fit to your screen. No need to scroll!
We’ve expanded our database of compounds. And now 50 million building blocks and 50 million screening compounds are available to you. This makes Chemspace unconditionally the largest database for chemical research needs. Navigation between Building Blocks and Screening Compounds databases is easier than ever. Just choose appropriate tab on the homepage.
The number of compounds displayed is not our final goal in mind. More important is that our users can find the products, they are looking for. So, for those researches who use substructure search to find new molecules in our almost unlimited space, we introduced new searching algorithm and made search results more relevant – now they are sorted by heavy atoms count.
Redesign was made to make searching and purchasing chemicals easier for our customers. So stay with Chemspace! Try new design and new features in action!