Chemspace team has announced about the launch of the 12th website update.
Chemspace development team is on a constant pursuit of improving the user experience by creating additional features and tools.
The following functionality is now available:
By clicking “Proceed to checkout” registered users can enquire items without price and proceed to online purchasing of items, which do not need to be enquired.
“Enquire and proceed” – the button, which simultaneously sends enquiries for POA items, and take the user to the 1st step of checkout for further ordering.
- Different types of enquiries. Instant enquiries without proceeding through checkout are available for non-registered as well as registered users. Registered buyers can also add all the needed products to the cart, afterwards log in to enquire / order the whole list of items.
- Instruction “How to use the lists on Chemspace”. Saving lists allows users keeping the results of their searches for further usage in the future. Customers can get to know on how to save lists following Tutorials at Chemspace website.
- Chemically-aware search by name. Any chemical name, which can be transmitted to chemical structure (it also applies to some synonyms, trivial names or a misspelled chemical name) is available for searching through Search line.