Protein kinases are among the most promising drug discovery targets. The human genome encodes approximately 518 protein kinases. As of recent data, over 100 kinase inhibitors have been approved for clinical use. This suggests that a significant portion of the human kinome remains unexplored, indicating substantial opportunities for drug discovery within this class.


Chemspace Computational Services team designed a structurally diverse Protein Kinases Targeted Library.


General Protein Kinases Library – 20,091 compounds against 79 targets from 52 families

Allosteric Protein Kinases Library – 12,138 compounds against 36 targets from 28 families


More about how we did it here:


We also offer the generation of targeted libraries using known ligands and analog similarity search by USRCAT, as well as methods with Morgan FP and E3FP. Besides that, docking services are available upon request.


Get in touch at [email protected] to learn more!