News and Events
- 10 April 2017
Chemspace at the 253rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition in SF
This year Chemspace was exhibited at the ACS Expo for the first time. And our team wants to thank everybody who joined and visited our booth. We were pleased to demonstrate the most efficient features of our unique website and to discuss them with all of you. Some of interested attendees who took part in our quiz ChemGuess had won branded souvenirs from Chemspace! We really enjoyed spending that time with you!
- 9 March 2017
Meet Chemspace at the 253rd American Chemical Society National Me
Chemspace is delighted to be exhibiting at the 253rd American Chemical Society NATIONAL MEETING & EXPOSITION in San Francisco, CA on April 2-6, 2017
- 15 February 2017
Enamine expands its cooperation with Actelion
Starting from today, Chemspace will be posting the latest news from the suppliers on our website in the news section to keep the users informed. So, has anything interesting happened in our suppliers’ lives recently? Undoubtedly, one of the most curious topics is the expansion of cooperation between one of the Chemspace Partners – Enamine - and the Europe’s largest biopharmaceutical company – Actelion.
- 22 December 2016
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
As it’s Christmas Eve, the Chemspace team is happy to wish you the warmest greetings and give you a sneak peek at our latest innovations, ready to be implemented for the upcoming year.
- 25 November 2016
12th release: New website functionality arrived: enquiry enhancem
Chemspace has successfully launched the 12th website update introducing new features to improve the website usability.
- 21 August 2016
Following the 18th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry
Every three years European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry takes place in different European city. This year Kyiv, Ukraine got a chance to host the 18th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry. Today, after the 18th ESFC has just been finished, it is time to recall how it was.
- 12 June 2016
Chemspace at Chemspec Europe 2016
Chemspace team would like to thank everyone who visited the presentation “The largest chemical building blocks market for R&D” during the exhibition CHEMSPEC Europe in 2016.
- 25 May 2016
Meet Chemspace at Chemspec Europe 2016
Chemspace will introduce its presentation “The largest chemical building block market for R&D” in the framework of 31st International Exhibition for fine and specialty chemicals Chemspec Europe 2016 in Basel, Switzerland.
- 3 April 2016
We add new features to make finding structures easier
Chemspace is excited to announce that our website becomes more and more attractive and convenient for customers. So what have we improved?
- 15 March 2016
Seamless Chemical Procurement with ChemSpace (Video)
Are you interested in how Chemspace looks from the inside? Do you want to meet its employees? Do you want to know the features it offers? If even one answer on these questions is “yes”, then you will be interested in watching Chemspace corporate video that has been recently posted on Youtube.
- 9 March 2016
Welcome to The 18th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry!
Early bird registration is now open for The 18th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistryto be held on August 7 - 12 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Industrial and academic participants are welcome to join this year’s leading event on Fluorine!
- 29 February 2016
Chemspace launch officially announced
Press release about the official launch of Chemspace as a global chemical e-procurement marketplace solution has been issued.